Local SEO

Unlock Your Potential in Local Search Results!

Is Your Business Showing UP?

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How Can You Improve Local Search Results?

There are literally 1000’s of business searches happening every day here in the Nixa area. If your business isn’t showing up like you want, there are some simple things you can do. Google Local Search starts with Google My Business (GMB) page / profile. If you don’t already have a GMB profile or account, then your business may or may NOT show up in local search results OR Google Maps. The first step if you don’t have an account is to set one up or claim your listing and get verified by Google. There are 3 main areas to keep in mind when thinking about local search results:


Relevance is the part of what is actually in the search text. For example, if someone is searching for “auto repair near me” or “attorney’s in Nixa, Mo,” these types of searches would bring up any local businesses that are categorized as those types of businesses. One simple thing you can do, especially if the name of your business doesn’t have the key search term in the name, is to add it on to the end. For example: If your business name was “RDX Automotive, LLC” – you might change it to say “RDX Automotive Repair Nixa” or something that contains the key search term for your business.


Distance has to do with your business’s physical location and distance to the person doing the search. It’s important to have an accurate location, but it’s also important to have a consistent company address and contact information on your website and other listing websites.


You can think of “Prominence” as how well your business is known or recognized. How much “authority” does the name of your business have when it comes to the key search terms in the search. This is something you can definitely have an effect on with some work. As stated above, it’s important to have consistent company information (address, phone, email, etc) across multiple websites like Bing, Yahoo, Yelp, Foursquare, your Local AREA CHAMBER, etc. One simple tip is to make sure you have all of your profile elements filled out. You can have multiple categories, services, and products. Additionally, photos and posts are a great way to keep your profile active so your potential customers can see more information about your business. If you need help or you just don’t have the time, please contact us so you can start SHOWING UP!